Pharma Focus Asia

Webinar Sponsored byPALL Biotech

PALL Biotech

"Filtration in Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Development & Manufacturing"

Pharmaceutical formulations, drug products, therapies, vaccines and the processes by which they are made are becoming increasingly diverse. Whether used for clarification or sterilization of final material, filtration remains an essential part of them.

In this presentation, Tom Watson talks about Pall’s range of filters including carbon removal filters, sterilizing grade filters (liquid and air/gas applications) and pre-filters for different types of drugs and manufacturing processes.

You will also understand how Pall Biotech is continuing to innovate in the field of prefiltration and sterilizing grade filtration in response to evolving regulatory standards and changes in drug classes.

Pall Biotech Webinar Video

Participants will learn about:

  • How to select a right filter for your product and process.
  • What’s new in the pre-filtration and sterilizing grade filtration.
  • Integrity testing of hydrophilic and hydrophobic filters.

6th August 2020


11:00 AM IST | 1:30 PM SGT | 2:30 PM Japan

Tom Watson

Tom Watson

Global Product Manager, Sterilizing Grade Filters

Pall Biotech

About - Tom Watson

Tom joined Pall in 2003, having graduated from the University of Sheffield, UK with a degree in Biotechnology and Microbiology.

Following several years as an Account Manager, in 2010 he joined the Global Product Marketing first as Global Product Manager, Sterilizing-grade Filters and is now marketing group leader for Sterilizing grade filters, test instruments and systems.