Pharma Focus Asia

MEDAPP: Paving the way for Patient Support Programs

The modern society is growing rapidly and while healthcare seems to be becoming more accessible and affordable, at the grass root it still doesn’t seem to become patient-friendly. We have more apps than ever before to serve even the most remote regions of the country, yet as the capital of chronic diseases, we are simply not being to cope up with the burden of chronic diseases and manage them well. What began as a one-stop home healthcare solution to address these concerns, Medapp has now evolved into a service provider to pharmaceuticals and fortune companies to enable better healthcare delivery.

In spite of immense technological advancements, it’s largely the urban population that benefits the most of these upgrades. The rural areas still battle with healthcare basics and even primary healthcare is a challenge there. In a country where the mere awareness of a possibility of a condition remains low, it is obvious that a large population is undiagnosed and therefore, untreated. Taking healthcare down these by-lanes of the country is the challenge.

Who is Medapp

It is said that the speed of the slowest member of the team determines a team’s speed. Medapp, founded by Niranjan Swamy, a trained nurse himself further to be a principal of a nursing college and seasoned educator for nurses and paramedics, was formed with the intent to delivering better healthcare than what’s prevalent - Dr Shiraz Nisar who is a co founder and Chief medical officer comes with a baggage of experience, he is an alumni of Cleveland Clinic and now serves as a Chairman of Medicine for University chain of hospitals back in Cleveland Ohio. Nabeel Ahmed on the marketing front comes with over 9 years of experience in the field of sales and marketing. Dr Vinod Singh is at the helm of operations and brings over a decade of healthcare and hospital industry experience. Sinu George, Director of Medapp, and a master’s in Nursing education and administration has ably guided over 5000 nurses and carries this passion for teaching and guiding the nursing staff of Medapp with a deft hand. Co-founder and Director, Krishna Raghavan, with his extensive industry network, is indispensable to business development. Together, this passionate and immensely talented team is what truly sets Medapp apart.

The Journey so far

Medapp began as an app to Uberise home healthcare in Mysore, Karnataka delivering services like sample pickups, ECG at home, vaccination, fever management, wound management, and chronic disease management.

Seeing the need of the healthcare in a town like Mysore, the team quickly realised what must be the plight of individuals in smaller towns and villages across the country. Quickly, the company evolved  and branched out into a service provider for pharma giants and fortune companies to reach out to a greater patient base. They quickly headquartered in Bangalore and Delhi was a must-do right after and they soon put up offices across locations.

The company’s presence in a span of 18 months grew from one state to 12 states. In fact, by the end of 2019, Medapp has successful presence in 80% of Tier II and III cities in India. Looking at figures from a strategic and financial stand point the company chose to be bootstrapped and continues to grow under the leadership of the dream team.

Products and Services

Nursing excellence and operational astuteness are the two pillars of Medapp’s success, the team takes pride is stating that there have been 0 no shows in their entire journey. The two major services that drive business and growth for Medapp are Patient support programmes and Point of Care Diagnostics. Figure 01: Artboard PSP

a. Patient Support Programs

Primary and secondary care has been made convenient by our programs. Our programs include counselling, home infusion, geriatric care, drug and medicine administration, care and disease management, physiotherapy and dietician services.

There has been an increase in the shift of mind set of pharmaceutical companies from being product oriented to patient oriented on dealing with certain type of therapy areas. In fact, spending on such initiatives has risen nearly three folds in the recent years. To provide patient service is when Medapp comes into play.

b. Point of care services

In a world where nobody has time, point of care diagnostics make a huge difference in ensuring timely diagnosis, and planning treatment regimen. They also reduce leakage of patients from hospitals and private clinics of doctors. Medapp uses the latest machines for accurate and rapid diagnosis of some of the commonest conditions like diabetes and its complications; coronary heart disease and heart attack, bone mineral density, pulmonary embolism, lung function tests, etc. Figure 02: Artboard POCT

c. One-stop solutions for all healthcare services

As an enabler of wellness, we provide one stop solution for all healthcare needs of a corporate entity or manufacturing companies. Be it onsite injections or infusions, emergency medical services or primary healthcare services like wound care, Medapp is an all-in-one healthcare solution.

d. Corporate Wellness

Customised wellness solutions for corporates are our forte. Ranging from providing tailor-made solutions via empanelling nutritionists, personal trainers, physicians, to specialty consultants, we ensure that everyone gets what they need as healthcare requirements differ for each individual. We can create packages that differ based on therapy areas, or geographical location, or seniority, and so on.

e. Screening and awareness camps

Starting with diabetes screening programs, Medapp has now diversified into respiratory as well as allergy screening camps. These camps enable pharmaceuticals to reach out to thousands of patients in one session and not just empower them with knowledge to improve their health, but also with a clear path of treatment and counselling sessions at the end.

f. Occupational Healthcare Centre for industries

Injuries are very natural while you have physical work. As per the factories act of 1948 any industry that deals with hard labour and that has more than 500 employees must have an OHC in place. We take the micro management of this from industries and take over as our expertise lies there.

Medapp for it’s tremendous contribution in the field of healthcare has been awarded many awards like The Global Achiever’s award for the Best Solution Based Healthcare Startup.

Living in the capital of diseases yet not a leader for disease management, that is where Medapp wants to fill up. An end-to-end healthcare solution company is how the dream team envisions Medapp of the future. With every step, slowly but surely, this goal appears closer.

--Issue 38--

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